Reiki Course

Many Western Reiki teachers offer Reiki level 1 and level 2 as separate courses with an unnecessary proscribed time gap between level 1 and level 2, but it is much more beneficial when taught as a combined course, as the founder Mikao Usui originally taught.

Level 1 teaches the use of high frequency Rei spiritual energy which does not work directly on the physical or emotional body. Level 2 teaches the Ki energies to work directly on the physical and emotional levels. Combined with level 1 this is the best option to create balance between the physical, emotional and spiritual bodies. By self-healing on all levels, we create balance, harmony and oneness within.

This Reiki course is a professional Reiki practitioner course and teaches Reiki to the National Occupational Standards for Reiki and incorporates the teaching elements of the CNHC core curriculum.

You will receive five Denju attunements on this course and learn all the relevant Japanese techniques and theory for this level.

By the end of this Reiki training course you will be able to use Reiki to work on yourself and others on a physical, emotional and spiritual level. You will understand how Reiki works, the history of Reiki, how to work with clients and how to use Active Reiki to maximize the healing potential of every treatment you give.

This Reiki course prepares you to practise Reiki professionally and to take the Reiki Council verification process for CNHC registration. Of course, this course is also for self-healing and treating friends and family for those who do not wish to practise professionally. I believe, we should treat ourselves, our family and our friends to the same professional standards we apply to fee-paying clients.

A comprehensive manual and free post course support is included.

So, embark upon an amazing journey of self-discovery and open yourself up to the universe at a deeper level.

Course Syllabus

The core philosophy of Reiki

Scientific explanation of Reiki

Reiki attunements / Reiju Empowerments

21 day Cleansing Process

History of Reiki

Reiki Lineage

Reiki ideals (Usui Sensei/ Mrs Takata)

What Reiki can be used for

Seven levels of Usui Reiki

The Reiki hand positions

Kanji Hand positions

Signs of release

Healing safely


Developing Reiki focus


Bio Feedback

Byosen Reikan Ho Scanning

Jakikiri Joka Ho

The Rei method for Healing

Practise self-healing


Professionalism and treating clients with regards to National Occupational Standards for Reiki

How to join a Reiki Association and get insurance

How to register with CNHC

Interviewing clients effectively

Reiki Lineage

Record keeping and GDPR / Interview form /Treatment form

Treating clients with illnesses/injuries using the Active Reiki method

Working Holistically to maximise the healing effect of the treatment

Empowering the client to take responsibility for their recovery and health

Case Study - Parkinson's Disease

Working as a Reiki practitioner and setting up a practice

Getting a website

Search Engine Optimisation techniques

The key concepts of Reiki

The Shirushi (Reiki symbols) Jumon Kotodama

Practise and discuss giving a Reiki treatment to a client

Practise and discuss giving a Distant Reiki treatment

Japanese Reiki techniques: Gyoshi Ho / Koki Ho/ Hatsu rei ho (including Joshin Kokyu ho and Kenyoko ho)

There are 5 Denju (initiation attunements) and 3 Shirushi (Reiki symbols) on this Reiki Training Course